ECAC experts kick off a busy year for legal matters
Videoconference, 16 February 2024 — The 49th meeting of the ECAC Legal Task Force recently convened virtually to discuss the busy year ahead for ECAC’s legal experts.
Deliberations began with a comprehensive review of the 2024 work programme, which will see further commitment to exchange information crucial for supporting individual States in addressing intricate legislative and regulatory questions, including on the ratification of ICAO international legal instruments and protocols.
The meeting reconfirmed that discussions were underway to prepare for the ICAO Third Civil Aviation Legal Advisers Forum (CALAF3) set to be hosted by the United Kingdom in November 2024. Discussions also began regarding the ICAO Legal Committee, scheduled in June 2024, with participants agreeing to organise a briefing session coinciding with the next Legal Task Force meeting in May to ensure that all ECAC legal experts are fully prepared for the meeting.
Advancements specific to ECAC were highlighted during the meeting, including the decision to trial a question-driven approach to establish a database for Legal Task Force members, facilitating the exchange of insights and experience in order to tackle more complex national legal issues effectively.