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Guidance Note on the Investigation of Serious Incidents (March 2024)
ECAC Air Accident and Incident Investigation Group of Experts (ACC) and the European Network of Civil Aviation Safety Investigation Authorities (ENCASIA)
Guidance on Sustainable Aviation Fuels (24 February 2023; corrigendum 9 March 1023)
Guidance note on conducting investigations during a pandemic (December 2020)
ECAC Air Accident and Incident Investigation Group of Experts (ACC)
Guidance on the Preparation for Investigations in Extreme and Challenging Environments (November 2015)
ECAC Air Accident and Incident Investigation Group of Experts (ACC)
Guidelines for the Noise Measurement of Homebuilt Aircraft (7 May 2013)
ANCAT ad hoc Group on Noise Measurement of Homebuilt Aircraft
Guide de mesure du bruit des aéronefs de construction amateur (7 Mai 2013) - French
ANCAT Groupe ad hoc sur la mesure du bruit des aéronefs de construction amateur
Guidance on the Underwater Location and Recovery of Aircraft Wreckage and Flight Recorders (November 2012)