Multilateral workshops

Since 2002, ECAC has been organising multilateral workshops in the areas of safety, security, facilitation and the environment in order to update its Member States on the latest regulatory or technical developments, or to address common deficiencies. Subject areas are selected following requests from Member States, after identification of areas of concern within an ECAC expert group.

The workshops are an effective format to strengthen experts' knowledge and explore new topics. Combining presentations, breakout sessions, on-site visits and question and answer sessions, the workshops allow participants to develop a shared understanding of sometimes challenging subjects, and they provide ample opportunity for general and informal discussion throughout their duration – typically two or three days. Group work is an essential element, encouraging communication between the participants and allowing for an exchange of experience and ideas. For the group work to be successful, participation in the workshops is generally limited to 30 persons.

The workshops take place either in the ECAC offices in Paris, or in Member States if a site visit is involved, and are usually only open to ECAC Member State experts. Both industry and national experts are invited to give presentations and contribute to the practical sessions. A small registration fee may be charged to cover administrative costs.