How ECAC functions

ECAC meets in Plenary (Triennial) Session once every three years at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the birthplace of ECAC.

The Triennial Session establishes ECAC's work programme and budget for the next three years. The latest Triennial Session was held in July 2021 and adopted the work programme from 2022 to 2024.

Items are considered for inclusion in ECAC's work programme if:

  • the subject is of importance and interest to a large number of Member States or to other European organisations;
  • an acceptable solution to the problems involved seems possible; and
  • the results expected to be achieved can make an effective contribution, in particular to the work of the European Commission and to ICAO.

ECAC's 44 Directors General of Civil Aviation meet at regular intervals, typically three times a year, to review, discuss and resolve policy issues. On an annual basis, the ECAC Forum takes place and this gives Directors General an opportunity for informal strategic discussions on issues of topical importance. The ECAC Coordinating Committee, which steers ECAC's business between these meetings, comprises the President of ECAC, elected for a three-year term of office, three Vice-Presidents and up to nine "Focal Points", all of whom are Directors General of Civil Aviation taking responsibility for leading specific fields of ECAC activity, with the help of specialist working groups, task forces etc.

The ECAC Secretariat, under the direction of its Executive Secretary, comprises a multinational team of experts with wide experience in all aspects of civil aviation.

ECAC is based in Paris, and its working languages are English and French.

Our team

See our staff members of the ECAC Secretariat and CASE II Project.