
The Istanbul Declaration issued at the end of the conference held in June 2010 acknowledged ECAC's important role in ensuring that training is given adequate priority in the continued drive for safe, secure and green air transport in Europe. It agreed that a greater emphasis on competency-based training could best achieve this objective. It led to the adoption of the ECAC Training Policy at DGCA/135 (December 2010).

This policy statement outlined a number of principles intended to steer the delivery of aviation training at a pan-European level. An ECAC Network of Training Organisations (TRANET) was created to propose orientations and guidance to the European aviation training providers to deliver courses in accordance with the principles of the ECAC Training Policy.

TRANET was disbanded in May 2017, which offered the opportunity to review ECAC's provisions in training matters and incorporate strategic objectives that its Member States wish to pursue in the field of training taking into consideration its importance to support a safe, secure and sustainable European air transport.

At their December 2017 meeting (DGCA/149), ECAC Directors General adopted an updated ECAC Training Policy (December 2017). This training policy focuses on strategic objectives that ECAC Member States commit to pursue in the field of training, such as the availability of quality training, the effective oversight on training being delivered and cooperation between training organisations.