Facilitation Programme Management Group (FPMG)

The Facilitation Programme Management Group (FPMG), chaired by the Focal Point for Facilitation, comprises the chairs of the Facilitation Working Group and its sub-groups, and the Executive Secretary of ECAC.

Its role is mainly to:

  • define and monitor the implementation of the ECAC work programme in facilitation;
  • adopt new or amended Annexes to ECAC Doc 30, Part I; and
  • allocate specific projects and tasks, as necessary, in response to new challenges.

ECAC reference documents on facilitation matters

The document that contains ECAC policy recommendations on facilitation matters, such as persons with reduced mobility (PRMs), immigration, cargo or health, is Doc 30, Part I - Facilitation (13th edition, December 2023). This document specifies policies adapted to the European context and is used as a reference in the development of national regulations concerning facilitation in ECAC Member States. Doc 30, Part I also includes implementation guidance in its various annexes.

ECAC Spotlight on facilitation matters

ECAC News n°75 - Spotlight on the ECAC Facilitation Working Group (Teresa Antunes) ECAC News n°73 - Spotlight on the ECAC Facilitation Sub-Group on the Transport of Persons with Reduced Mobility (Marie Hauerova) ECAC News n°69 - Spotlight on the Facilitation Sub-Group on Immigration (Evgheni Kostetki)


ECAC News on facilitation matters

ECAC News n°78 - Facilitation ECAC News n°70 ECAC News n°58