ECAC's work programme 2022-2024 for security matters
Aim: To promote a risk-based approach to aviation security.
- To promote the knowledge and understanding of new or evolving threats to aviation security and to develop possible mitigation measures.
- To encourage the implementation of a risk-based and outcome-based approach to aviation security.
Aim: To promote the development and use of security technology to address current and emerging threats.
- To develop and update technical specifications for security equipment.
- To promote the deployment at European airports of security equipment meeting the required minimum standards.
- To ensure that Research and Development efforts meet end users' needs and aim at facilitating passengers' journey.
Aim: To enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the ECAC Common Evaluation Process of security equipment (CEP).
- To implement and further develop the ECAC Common Evaluation Process of security equipment (CEP), ensuring it has the resources to provide a professional, responsive and world-leading equipment certification process.
Aim: To harmonise aviation security measures on a Pan-European basis.
- To update ECAC Doc 30, Part II (Security) as necessary and ensure consistency between ECAC Doc 30, Part II (Security) and EU Regulations and ICAO Annex 17 SARPs.
- To further develop ECAC Aviation Security Handbook.
- To support the implementation of security measures by ECAC Member States.
- To promote advanced training methodology for obtaining the best efficiency in the harmonised implementation of aviation security measures.
- To support the implementation of security measures related to UAS by Member States.
- To promote the implementation of One Stop Security in ECAC region.
Aim: To support Member States in maintaining effective aviation security in the face of current changes and challenges within the aviation industry.
- To assess ECAC Member States' level of compliance with ECAC Doc 30, Part II.
- To support the implementation of efficient oversight regimes by ECAC Members States.
- To provide capacity-building activities for the benefit of ECAC Member States.
Aim: To promote European priorities in aviation security with international partners, regional and international organisations.
- To promote Pan-European priorities and positions in international meetings.
- To deliver capacity-building activities for non-ECAC States on the basis of projects funded outside the ECAC regular budget.